Акция 2025: Оплачиваем написание статей на кардинг тематику. Подробности
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Весь контент slavik.prih

  1. We work very well with a daily traffic supplier for our offer. Our requirements are 10k-100k traffic per day. Payments daily without delay!!! Live work and evidence are available. Requirements: We need traffic providers or media buyers who are experts in generating traffic through google-search / display / GDN, bing, tabooola, adult traffic - popunder or push traffic... We can take any type of traffic in which you can use any random niche or topic to get the most popular topics, such as shopping, food, buying, selling, weather, news, vacation, flight, ticket, reciepe, any type of keyword login, etc. Any keys, Any description Anything. You must use kloaking, tracker and other things to drive traffic, google does not like my offer. device: desktop computer only Geography: Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, USA / KA, AUS Age: 45-85 Our offer: We have a black page where there is a phone number, when users go to the back page, they are forced to call the phone number indicated on it. When they call, the dashboard of our telephone system is displayed. "Congratulations, you just earned 12 $", that is, 12 $ is paid for each call. There is no waiting time, no need to convert or something else... As soon as the call arrives at us, you are done! For your information This is not stealer, .exe, install, botnet or any other shit... Just a regular page with a sentence. We also provide you with all the access and resources, such as Domain hosting costs, tracker, and bedding as well. We pay all for you, as I said above. But only after successful testing for 5 days. My guys already generate 500-1000 calls daily... Earn 7-10k per day... Let's get together... People who need 5 hours to answer. You need money first, or spend my time, please stay away.
  2. Продам Binance Гео - Латвия В комплекте: Фото дока Селфи Селфи с доком 75$
  3. Пишите в лс, продам за 1к$, возможно сделаю скидку
  4. slavik.prih

    Отработаю ваши крипто логи!

    Отработаю ваши крипто логи. Логи можно и старые, выжму на 100% + Возьму даже не валид под восстановление. Снимаю 2FA с bittrex и еще нескольких бирж.
  5. Постоянно выкупаю отработанные вами СС В приоритете USA и UK
  6. пишите в пм предложения
  7. Будет считаться как работу по ру, правилами форума это запрещено Сомневаюсь что по вк ты мог юса комплекты найти