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AntiDetect Browser 7 + Crack

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AntiDetect Browser 7 + Crack

- New hardware canvas fingerprint changer
- Some improvements of current canvas changer & webrtc changer added
- Change language in any config from shop
- Flash 23
- Data in generator renewed
- Added more than 200 configs in predefined
- Tabs reorganisation in antidetect and new config editors - better and pro view, javascript syntax highlight and useful helpers
- Antidetect core is renewed
- Fully renewed software structure - all is in one directory, no need to install anything, all is portable.
- Fresh flash with fonts replacer.
- Fresh browser properly configured for your work.
- A complete upgrade of the antidetect core. Were taken new configs, shot from the actual machines as closely as possible, at the moment there firefox, chrome & internet explorer.
- You can purchase a set of configs - costs $ 3 per one. We also will regularly add fresh configs to software.
- Best reviewes about new configs.
- Now one button configs are inserted, do not forget to choose the language
- Timezone changer, working in windows 7,8,10
- Canvas changer \ blocker in antidetect settings
- The AntiDetect © software will raise your income. Do you want to bypass ban systems which can detect your hardware fingeprint or\and your browser fingerprint?


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